www.youtube.com – When there is car wreck, there is going to need to be an estimator access the damage to [Read more…] about Car Crash: As Long As There Are Car Crashes, Auto Estimators Will Be Needed To Write Estimates
One Small Tip To Save You Money And Prevent Auto Accidents
I just read about this and thought you would find it useful as well. The Phantom Alert system promotes safe driving by notifying drivers of where extra precautions should be taken, such as school zones and traffic jams. Not only will the system promote safe driving, it will also save you money by warning you of traffic light cameras. This is a Win/Win! You will eliminate costly tickets and may prevent many unnecessary accidents.
Is The Phantom Alert System Unethical?
The first thing some people think, is that these types of devices are not ethical or shady. I would have to disagree with you. It is like education, I think education get’s so caught up on passing exams, we forget what it’s all really about. Exams are important to access progress, but that is not the purpose of education. The ultimate purpose is to prepare students for a job. Memorizing test questions to pass a test will not help meet this objective. You can learn how to pass tests without ever learning the objectives of the lesson.
Why Do We Have Police Officers Patrolling the Roads?
With that said, why do we have police officers patrolling the roads? It’s not to write tickets, but to promote safe driving. Therefore, I believe these type of devices help do the same thing. Saving you from traffic fines and traffic jams is great, but if it eliminates someone from speeding in a school zone and accidentally hitting a child or alerting you of other precautions, which may eliminate an unnecessary accident, this is what it is all about. Seriously, if an auto accident or even a death is eliminated, who cares if an officer or a system like this get’s the credit for it? Learn more at CollisionBlast.com/PhantomAlert
So I give the Phantom Alert system a thumbs up! Let’s here your thoughts or opinion, leave us a comment below.
Auto Repair Estimates – Part 4 – Auto Estimator Training
CollisionBlast.com – This video is part 4 of auto repair estimates. In this video we’ll discuss why estimating guides are only guides, flat labor, labor rates, and how to challenge the times given in estimating systems, such as Mitchell, CCC Pathways, web-est. For more collision repair training visit http
Auto Repair Estimates – Part 11 – Accident Sequence
Where Does it End?
I recently wrote a blog about insurance companies requiring shops to cut corners to lower the auto repair costs. This really happens; however, I like to give my students as many opinions and point-of-views that I can. There is a lot going on out there in the automotive/insurance industries, which makes it hard to determine what is right and what is wrong. It feels like we’ve turned into a gray society, which can become confusing and give us mixed emotions.
Here are a few more twists to consider when forming your opinions.
It seems like there is a scam every time we turn around. Auto accidents are no exception, as there are reports of individuals staging auto accidents to collect insurance money. If insurance companies do not fight against this type of fraud, this will result in higher premiums for everyone. However, there are also reports of insurance negligence. Insurance companies are denying claims, which is resulting in many innocent individuals paying the consequences. Both insurance negligence and accident fraud are reality and is something you will need to consider in the collision repair business. As an auto appraiser for an insurance company or an estimator for a body shop, you will have to deal with insurance companies and vehicle owners. It may be a good idea to research and form some beliefs to know where you stand.
Let me know what you think by leaving us a comment.
Take a few minutes to view the two videos below.
Accident Fraud
Insurance Negligence
This is a deep subject for my current students to think about over the summer. They will have to form their own opinions about the industries.
If you would like to learn more about working on cars that have been involved in an accident; frame repair, automotive welding, body repair, plastic repair, panel replacement, prep and painting, and estimating, then you may consider enrolling into our collision repair program. You too can start forming your opinions and decide what angle and industry is a fit for you.
If you’re interested in enrolling our collision repair program at Butler, feel free to contact me.
Contact Information:
Donnie Smith
Lead Collision Instructor
Butler Community College
Here is some additional information to help you with the enrolling process
Butler Collision Repair Web Page
(Limit to 15 Students)
To learn more about Butler Community College and the enrolling process, visit our advising page at http://www.butlercc.edu/advising/
Apply and enroll online by visiting http://www.butlercc.edu/admissions/enroll_now.cfm