This is a lesson on how to generate collision repair estimates. In this lesson we are going to talk about why you want to write a thorough estimate.
Auto Repair Estimates – Part 5 – The Necessary Information This is a lesson on writing auto repair estimates. It discusses the important information needed on a repair estimate before writing the damage.
Web-Est Releases New Auto Estimating Training for iPad Users
Wow! Now this is really cool. Web-Est Estimating System is set-up to work on the Apple I-Pad. It sounds like this will allow an estimator to write an estimate anywhere. Why didn’t they have things like this when I used to write estimates. I still remember the first generation of computerized estimating system that Mitchell came out with. We had a laptop, printer, and a ton of estimating guides with all of the bar codes. The car would would be completely full if we had to go somewhere to write the estimate. Now, you just need an I-Pad…that’s cool! Read more about the Web-Est and I-Pad and how they are offering to train the users via Web-Est Releases New Auto Estimating Training for iPad Users.