BCC Collision Repair student demonstrated how to shrink metal that has been stretched. In this demonstration we are using oxy
How To Apply Fiberglass Filler to a Welded Area
How To Apply Glaze Putty BCC Collision Repair student demonstrates how to apply glaze putty to a repair area that has been repaired and finished out in body filler.
DIY Collision Repair Training – Block Sanding Body Filler – Bondo (Auto Body Sanding) – Click the link for 9 auto body filler tips. (Auto Body Sanding) Please rate this Collision Repair Training Video. All ratings and feedback are appreciated. In this video I am doing a demonstration of auto body sanding. This video describes how to block to sand body filler using hand blocks. Would you like to receive free online diy auto body and paint training? Visit to learn how.
DIY – Collision Repair Technology – (How To Use Body Filler) *BONDO* (How To Use Body Filler)Please RATE this video. All ratings and comments are appreciated – In this DIY How-to video I am doing a collision repair demonstration of (how to apply body filler) to a small repair area or dent. Many people wonder what the difference is between body filler and bondo are. However, there is no difference. Bondo is just a brand. Body filler just became the jargon of body shop talk in the industry as bondo. After attending WyoTech in the late 80’s and years of experience as a technician, manager, estimator, and educator, I would like to share more about collision repair training and auto paint training with you. Watch my how-to video, a href=”http to apply body filler for car repair work on WonderHowTo.