Home of the Big Texan Ranch Steak House in Amarillo, TX
From the deserts of New Mexico, to the big state of Texas, and back to the sunflower state of Kansas. I’m back in Kansas now, but I thought that I would share with you a few of our stops that we made on our way back.
Southeast New Mexico is covered with mesquite, cactus, and sand.
When I mention to people that I used to live in New Mexico, most people think about the beautiful mountains of Taos, Angel Fire, Ruidoso, or some of the other mountain areas of New Mexico. However, I lived in the dry and hot desert southeast corner of New Mexico. If you have ever visited the Carlsbad Caverns, you were close to where I lived in Artesia.
I’m sure that you’ve heard the saying “everything is bigger in Texas.” Well, the stops that we made in Texas proved that statement. In Amarillo we stopped by the Big Texan Steak Ranch. If you’re ever real hungry, you can eat their 72 oz. steak for free. The only catch is that you must eat the entire steak in 60 minutes or less. Are you up for a challenge…? I wasn’t…I just ate a burger.
The front view of the Big Texan
From there we stopped by a 190’ cross located in Groom, Texas. Standing next to this cross will make you feel small. I recommend stopping by to see the cross if you’re ever in the area.
My boys standing at the bottom of the 190′ cross.
Then we crossed through Oklahoma and back to the sunflower state of Kansas. Whew, I was glad to be back home. I felt like the road was stretching and we were never going to get home.
All right, back to business. I am going to the US Hot Rod Thunder National event at the
Kansas Coliseum. I will be there on Saturday, January 10, 2009. I’ll try to snap a few pics and share them with you.
The Butler Collision Repair and Auto Tech programs are going to set up a booth at the 52nd Darryl Starbird’s car show. This will be held at the Century 2 Convention Center in Wichita, KS. Show dates will be January 16, 17 & 18. Try to make it to the show. Be sure to stop by our booth and visit us. This would be a great time to ask us any question that you may have about the programs.
A lot of cool thinks coming up. Check back for additional information.
Collision Repair Tip
Use a welding blanket to cover nearby glass when grinding, cutting, or welding. This will prevent pitted glass.
“What is it that you like doing? If you don’t like it, get out of it, because you’ll be lousy at it. You don’t have to stay with a job for the rest of your life, because if you don’t like it you’ll never be successful in it.”
~Lee lacocca
Butler is now the second largest community college in Kansas.
What is the purpose of weld-through primer? If you know, leave us a comment with the answer.