“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” ~Henry Ford
This is the quote Donald Trump used to start his essay about teamwork in his book “Think Like A Champion.” In his book, Donald expresses the importance of teamwork to help produce a successful business.
I believe superior teamwork will improve any business environment. If you’re willing to be a team player, life will certainly be much easier for you. The collision repair industry is no exception, as they are turning to a team based environment. According to a few members of our college advisory board, they said by working in teams, they have been able to clock more hours than working alone. The lean process that is finding its way into many collision repair shops require teamwork as well. This includes everyone from the receptionist to the business owner or manager to work together.
I emphasize team skills at the college; however many students and some adults resist the idea. However, I have to agree with Donald on this issue; teamwork is necessary to excel in today’s society.
Classes Are Full
If you’re interested in enrolling in our Fall Automotive or Collision Repair programs, you may consider being put on our waiting list, as we are completely full. You may still have a chance to get into the program, if someone drops.