I watched this video on YouTube and thought the viewers interested in painting motorcycle may find useful. I liked the video, but there were some negative comments. However, it is hard to tell by YouTube comments. I really don’t know why some people take to comment…..if the video wasted their valuable time, then why are they wasting more time commenting on it. A little venting, but anyway, back to the stand. I have painted some motorcycle tanks and I see how this type of stand could be very useful. I am sure all of us have tried to chase parts around while spraying before. You know, the swaying parts from the spray gun pressure. If I were going to be painting a lot of motorcycles, I would love to have one of these stands. I am not sure what the cost is. If I find out, I will post it at another time. I may even consider getting one for the school. Although, we do not actually spray a lot of motorcycles.
Watch the video and leave us comment on what you think about the stand. Or, tell us how you spray tanks.
I will post again about how to paint a motorcycle, but that is it for now. And as always, if you like this article, let me know by clicking the like Facebook like button below. Thanks for stopping by!