So let’s hear it….What do yout think about the changes to Collision Blast? Like em’ hate em”! I has a very different look and the social networking has been taken out. However, if you are an author of Collision Blast, you can still log in and post a blog, which I encourage you to do so. As the focust of this site it to educate. We want to blast out educational content to help the DIY, students, instructors, and the professional technicains. There is something on this site for everyone involved with the collision repair industry.
We Can All Help Teach The Next Generation
Many of you have helped by providing content in writing or videos. We appreciate this very much. However, I know that everyone is not a writer or enjoys making videos. You can still help. Help us by spreading the training and news. Help us get this information to the people that need it. You can do this by liking our posts and sharing them with your Facebook, Twitter and other social friends. We’ve made it simple for you to do this. On the top of each post there is a tweet and FB share button. On the botton of each post there is a FB like button and a button to share with other social networks.
So whether you are providing tips, trick, articles or videos; Or just clicking the like button, you are doing your part to help educate the technicians of today and of tomorrow.
Why Remove The Social Network From Collision Blast?
There are many social networks out there that do a great job. I did not see that much value from it. I found that most of our readers come here to provide training or to learn…not to socialize. Therefore, I decided to focus more on the training. However, I listen! Let me know your thoughts. Good move or not? I would like to hear your thoughts. Leave a message in the comment section…and don’t for get to like this!