At we are very committed to educating the auto industry that women are not a diversity or niche market and how to build relationships with women offline and online, including social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Women are the vast majority of aftermarket customers, yet that message in the Aftermarket falls on deaf […]
QUICK- what’s your elevator pitch?
Your answer to the question “so – what do you do” could either unremarkably answer the question OR your answer could build a lasting impression of you and your business; resulting in either a longer conversation of your remarkable company or a prospect/referral opportunity. So – what’s your elevator pitch?
Building A Strong Social Media Presence While Increasing Search Engine Ranking
So – you have a website – GREAT – now how to you get people to find it? These steps are sure to get you headed in the right direction – this isn’t article fluff, this is the same tactic I use for my clients.
Phraseology – using social media as SEO to boost search engine ranking
Phraseology – using social media as SEO to boost search engine ranking