I quess my interest in Collision repair started when I was in 9th grade in what used to be called junior high school, an older friend of the family had been to the vocational high school and had spent some time in the Auto Body program where he painted his car, being a kid who loved to work with my hands take things apart, built things go carts, mini bikes from junk engines and things, this seemed to me to be something I would enjoy doing. My dad had four brothers and I looked up to them all and they where all tradesmen. before thirteen I did more hands on than your typical kid of the same age. Prior to even knowing what auto body was I totally disassembled a mini bike I had put together and refinished it, even the motor was taken apart and refinished with high temp black and the seat got reupholstered, at the time I thought nothing of it, but now thinking of it as I write this few kids these days have these early hands on experiences. Anyway back to he question once in the auto body program I knew this was for me I thrived in the program and my teacher who by the way was not the lead teacher Mr. Stevens really took me under his wing and kept me working he coached me threw a complete paint job on my sisters friends Pontiac in my sophomore year and another my friends brothers Oldsmobile in my junior year. In my sophomore year I got a job after school in a repair shop and it was great. I learned what I could in school and in the shop, that was 1978 and I have always been working to increase my knowledge ever since. I have worked with guys who have gone on to work the insurance side of the fence and sold their tools, I have been employed as a staff appraiser and gain some good knowledge doing so but I could never sell my tools I still love to repair damaged car. This is the back ground, value and passion I bring to the young people I work with as I encourage them to always do their best and continue to increase their knowledge and skill.