Your answer to the question “so – what do you do” could either unremarkably answer the question OR your answer could build a lasting impression of you and your business; resulting in either a longer conversation of your remarkable company or a prospect/referral opportunity. So – what’s your elevator pitch?
Marketing and Innovation – the Drucker theory
Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: Marketing and Innovation. No doubt about it, Drucker was right on the mark way back in 1973 with his statement, and nearly 40 years later it’s still true that marketing and innovation need to play a pivotal part of your business operations.
Phraseology – using social media as SEO to boost search engine ranking
Phraseology – using social media as SEO to boost search engine ranking
Primer On Public Speaking
Here are some of my personal best best-practices for presenting or talking to a group; I hope you find these helpful for your public speaking engagements…