Tips For Choosing A Quality Collision Repair Shop

Choosing a collision repair shop must not be taken lightly. Your vehicle is one of your biggest investments and you need to protect your investment. However, your safety is more important. Improper repairs could result in unnecessary injuries or even deaths. Here are tips and videos to help make a wise decision.

If My Car Frame Is Bent, Will It Ever Be The Same?

Cars involved in an auto accident can result in a bent frame. Many people thing the car will never be the same after the accident. This is true, the car will never be the same….

We provide a company wide solution – Compliment your shop’s personal image – Communicate more effectively – Increase CSI’s – More on time deliveries – Enhanced marketing! Get closer to your customers by communicating a consistent proactive update in a way that is relevant to their specific needs. Your customers continue to invest in communication …

Finding The Cheapest Repair Shop and Negotiate Every Dime.

I have been researching auto repair estimates as I prepare for our class about to start. I’ve noticed a lot of articles pop up advising people how to negotiate with repair shops. I am not sure who these people are, but their advice it not very good in my opinion. I’ve read articles informing readers …

Steering – what insurance companies don’t want you to know

A student e-mailed me with questions concerning insurance steering. So, I thought I would post a blog about insurance steering. I don’t claim to be an insurance expert, but I can “steer” you in the right direction. First of all, it is illegal to steer customers to a repair shop. However, insurance companies have been …