MidWeek Auto Collision Repair News Blast (5)
MidWeek Auto Collision Repair News Blast (4) – SEMA
Mid-Week Auto Collision Repair News Blast (3)
How To Articles
How To Weld On Body Panels – Repair Before Replace
When it comes to body panels that are welded on, there is a common mistake made. In this article, I am going to explain what the common mistake is, how to avoid it, and how to replace a weld on body panel. READ MORE
Why Won’t My Window Roll Up – Problems With Car Window Parts
Has this happened to you, car window will not roll up and you’re wondering how to fix it. You’re in luck, this tutorial will teach you the most common problem, how to determine the problem, and most of all how to fix the problem. READ MORE
Windshield Removal and Installation
Windshield replacement is a common repair in the auto glass industry, and is the result of many causes. It could be from a semi-truck kicking up a rock, a cold spell increasing the size of a chip or crack, or can be from the weather, as in a hail storm. READ MORE
Repairing Automotive Paint Damage Caused by Bird Poop in 5 Minutes
Every time you take your car out of the garage it’s exposed to potential paint damage hazards. Some of the most common issues are acid rain, insects, battery acid and road stones. There is another hazard that’s particularly messy and harmful, and that’s bird poop. READ MORE
Collision Repair News
Collision Repair Scholarships
Collision Repair News Are you interested in pursuing a career pathway in Auto Collision Repair or currently enrolled in a program? If so, take a minute to learn about different scholarships provided for the industry. Below are a list of scholarships and resources to help pay for your training. READ MORE
Nissan Announces New Certified Collision Repair Program; Open to Dealers and Independent Shops
“There are growing numbers of owners who are enjoying the dependability, comfort, engineering and performance of Nissan vehicles every day,” said Mark Zoba, manager, Collision Parts, Part & Service Sales and Marketing, NNA. “These customers expect the highest level of consistent service, Genuine Nissan Parts, outstanding technical expertise and work done correctly in a skillful, efficient and careful manner. This means they expect prompt, professional, dependable service –which the certification process is designed to promote.” READ MORE
Car Review
Audi A3 Complete Review
The Audi A3 is a model of the beautiful sensibilities in drawing and utilize of equipment that distinguishes the modern Audi A3. It is a mixture of open-road vitality, long-haul sociability, around-town utility and fuel saving. The Audi A3 has a wide variety counting four different petrol engines and three diesels. The A3 takes corners professionally if off course and hold levels and corpse roll is high-quality, with its ride life form nicely managed. The game models by their extra tightened postponement settings can be excessively cruel for various. READ MORE
New Products
The Filler Detective – This new tool won 1st for new products at SEMA
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MidWeek Auto Collision Repair News Blast
Back To School Giveaway Winners
The Back To School Giveaway has ended; however, winners are still pending. We e-mailed the two winners to confirm they were a current collision repair student or instructor, but we have not been able to confirm at this time. We are in the process of randomly select new winners. Check back to soon to see if you may be the winner.
New Vo-Tech Student Pricing Announced For RDE Program at 2011 SEMA Show
New in 2011, students of vocational technical schools who are approved to attend SEMA through the SEMA Show Student Program, as well as their chaperones, will be eligible to attend SCRS’ Repairer Driven Education (RDE) series for a significantly discounted rate of $50.00 per student for a full series student pass. The pass allows for the student group to select a presentation in each educational time slot offered by SCRS, including the RDE Headline Presentation by Afterburner, Inc at 5:30pm on Thursday evening. The pricing structure was made possible through coordination between SCRS and the SEMA Education Institute, emphasizing the focus from both organizations on supporting the future of the au- tomotive repair industry. READ MORE
Butler’s Collision Repair Program
It’s been busy in the collision repair program at Butler. 1st year class showed up to school this semester ready to learn and work.We have studied vehicle construction and now we are studying paint/refinish. They have already grabbed a spray gun and learning how to paint cars.
The second year has been busy as well. We’ve been studying how to remove and replace weld-on panels and structural repair.
To learn more visit our class blog at CollisionBlast.com/BCRN
Success in Collision Repair is No Accident at WyoTech in Sacramento
Benjamin Franklin once famously noted that “nothing in this world is certain except death and taxes.” To this list we could probably add “auto collisions.” Although the number of motor vehicle accidents (and fatalities) have dropped markedly over the past 30 years, there are still approximately 10.2 million car crashes and collisions every year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2011 Statistical Abstract.*As long as people continue to damage their cars, there will be a need for people to repair them. READ MORE
I Don’t Know About you, But If I Got Up There I Think I’d Be Stuck….No Backing Up For Me!
[youtube width=”350″ height=”300″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZrhuSE_ivA[/youtube]
Are You Looking For an Auto Body Job?
Visit our job listings with current jobs in the collision repair industry. Visit CollisionBlast.com/Careers
Bolt Tightening Torque Significance
There are thousands of bolts in your vehicle that hold together critical components in your automobile. These components must be fastened together correctly to ensure that your vehicle can perform as safely and flawlessly as it was designed for. Many mechanics and do it yourself repairmen do not correctly follow torque specifications or, sometimes, completely ignore them altogether. READ MORE
Vintage Car Interior – Restoration Tips
The best advice you can give anyone who has decided to take on the project of restoring a vintage car themselves is to begin by restoring their interior first. Your vintage car interior is an aspect of the project where you can do all or most of the work yourself and at home. READ MORE
Why Wax Your Car?
By Ron Haugen
Whenever you own a car, you are likely to take a lot of pride in the way that it looks. It is the reason why you are sure to keep it clean of all trash as well as making sure that you clean the outside and inside often. Of course, there are some who start to consider whether they actually need to wax their vehicle. This is still as important today as it was decades ago. It is important to take a look at exactly why it is important so that you will not be tempted to go without it. READ MORE