We all know that the body shops have an increased number of vehicles to work on during the “deer season”, but you may be surprised how many accidents that there really are in the US due to deer.
KIDK reports that 350,000 deer are killed each year by vehicles. Another alarming report is that 200 drivers are killed each year due to deer collisions. I have heard of a few odd accidents where the deer came through the windshield and killed the driver, but I had no idea that there were that many. That’s scary!
There are also many deer accidents, which does not kill the deer or driver, but still damages the vehicle, which may result a visit to the body shop. State Farm reports that 2.3 million deer related accidents per year. That is 3200 deer hits per day! Now that is putting it in perspective…
With that said, be careful and be aware of how big this problem really is. Stay focused on your driving if you drive where there is a deer population and always drive with caution. Perhaps many of these accidents could have been eliminated if the driver was looking further down the road and not texting or other things that may have distracted them from diving. Be Safe! Read The Full Story
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