Mixing and Waste
I recently used the finishing glaze that 3M has for their new Dynamic Mixing System and was well pleased. The product mixed instantly as it exited the tip. I purged the glaze, but all product fully hardened on the paper towel. I concluded that a technician could use this product with minimal waste. The product mixes instantly, which will require minimal purging and you can apply only the amount of glaze you need to the surface that you are working on. Therefore, I found the mixing capabilities to be excellent and wasted product to be minimal.
The glaze was easy to spread and produced a pinhole free layer of glaze.
The 3M glaze tended to heat up faster and dry quicker than other glazes that I have used. Works great and will increase repair time. However, do not try to over work the glaze. Apply the glaze with a tight coat followed with looser pass while leveling the glaze. If you move too slow or try to over work the glaze, it will start to harden and cause problems
After allowed the glaze to fully dry I knocked the highs lightly with 80 grit sandpaper. Then I guide coated the glaze and finished it out with 150 grit sandpaper. The glazed sanded easy and produce a defect free surface that was ready for primer.
I am satisfied with the 3M finish Glaze and would recommend it to others. If you do not use the product daily or weekly, the cost of the application gun may not be worth your investment. Therefore, this is an excellent system for a body shop, but not for the DIY enthusiast that only uses fillers once or twice per year.