With the addition of a couple of new gadgets, the Butler Auto Body classroom is looking snazzy and keeping up with the latest technology.
A new smart board looks like the old white boards and even comes with “markers” and an “eraser”. One picks up the fake markers to activate the touch sensitive surface. This allows Mr. Smith to show us his mad doodle skills in the explanation of related concepts.
The new lamp looking thingy is a digital eye and a lamp that allows him to magnify and display on the smart board, any object he places under its digital lens which saves paper by preventing numerous copies to be made and passed around. Now everyone can see the magnified version on the smart board, and its large enough print for Mr. Smith to read.
Collision Repair Tip
“When painting aprons and rails use aluminum foil for masking wire hardnesses etc.
~LikeFactory – AutoBodyOnline
“Live as you will die tomorrow, but learn as if you will live forever.”
~Mahatma Ghandi