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What Non-Verbal Messages Are You Sending Women?

How can your business improve non-verbal communication skills with women customers and create a better overall experience. Reputation management and creating positive word-of-mouth with women begins and ends with how effectively you communicate with her verbally and non-verbally during her entire experience with your business.
Let’s look at some keys to non-verbal ways to communicate with women more effectively:
- Smile and look women in the eyes when you greet them, keep your gaze above the shoulders.
- Pay attention to her non verbal “cues” , she came to do business with you and wants to feel “in charge”, try not to rush to open doors and be the gentile escort, ask her if she would like you to get the door for her. Being the “gentleman” is appropriate behavior on a date; however these gestures may undermine her confidence and dilute her feeling in control during the sales process.
- Provide a wide variety of women’s magazines in your waiting rooms that reflect the demographic of the lifestyles of the women in your local market.
- Have separate, clean and pleasant restroom facilities that include a changing table for young mothers with small children. Keep it well stocked with supplies. Go the extra mile and stock a few “extra necessities” to show you appreciate their “waiting time”.
- Women want to be respected as savvy consumers, support and educate her during the sales process rather than take the role of the “know-it-all” automotive expert using acronyms and terminology they do not understand, using pictures or showing her in a more visual way goes a long way in making her understand and feel more comfortable making a buying decision.
- When women come in to your business with their husbands, greet, speak and make eye contact with both husband and wife EQUALLY, rather than direct all your questions and comments to the husband, in many cases she will actually be the one to make the final buying decision!
- Go at her pace during negotiations, rushing her to close the deal “today” might backfire, women generally take longer to make a buying decision, however once satisfied with their purchase and experience with your business, women statistically are more loyal then their male counterparts, and more apt to go online and write a positive or negative review.
- Make sure your website, Facebook, Twitter, coupon programs, marketing and advertising and other visual representations of your business resonate with women.
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