I Saw It On Google has partnered with Collision Blast to present the monthly featured body shop business award. This award is determined by researching collision repair videos, websites, and other online activity. We are looking for business that focus on customer service and provide quality collision and refinish repairs.
The December, 2010 Featured Body Shop Business is FCC Collision Centers located in California.

FCC Collision opened the doors for business in 1975 in Mountain View, CA. FCC later opened a second shop in Milpitas, CA. FCC has found that over half of their customers are females. Therefore, FCC strives to be properly trained to be aware of what their female customers were looking for in a collision business. FCC is an AskPatty female friendly certified repair shop, which helps achieve their goal of providing stellar service for female customers.
FCC take great pride in being a family operated business and work hard to eliminate the frustration and confusion of the repair process.
To assure that your car is properly repaired FCC uses a company called AllData, which provides the specifications and repair guidelines. To verify the quality of repairs they use a company called VeriFax.
For more information visit:
177 East Evelyn Ave.
Mountain View , CA 94040
Matt Piper (mpiper@fcc-collision.com)
(P) 650-965-1440
(F) 650-965-0228
1416 S Main St.
Milpitas , CA 95035
Jason Piper (jpiper@fcc-collision.com)
(P) 408-263-9999
(F) 408-263-6402
Please Note: CollisionBlast does not claim nor guarantee the customer satisfaction or quality of repairs.
“Family Owned Business For Over 30 Years”
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