If you want to build a more profitable, successful business, here are five tips that work…
Pricing, Ethics and the Reputation of Your Business
At Elite we know that once someone comes into your shop, you’ll do everything you can to generate a happy customer, and make a fair profit. Unfortunately, some customers will put you to the test when it comes to the prices you charge. They’ll tell you they can’t afford the recommended services, they’ll tell you they can get the same service done down the street for less, or they’ll just need you to knock a few bucks off the price. This is when you typically tell yourself that you’ve already invested a good amount of time and money to get the customer to this point in the sale, so rather than letting the customer walk, you drop your price a few bucks, and in your mind, you just saved a job. Unfortunately, what you just lost was your integrity…
The Four T’s of Effective Employee Management
If you are not getting the results you’re looking for from your employees, before you jump to any conclusions, the first thing you need to consider is the first T, which stands for Training. If your employees aren’t meeting your performance standards, then the solution may be as simple as providing them with the proper training….
The Importance of Job Descriptions
The people that work with you (your employees) need a number of things to do their jobs well, yet none is more important than clarity. If you “tell” your people what you expect of them, that’s a good start, but they have busy lives and busy minds, just like you. So what you need to do is prepare a written job description for each employee that clearly defines your expectations. Much like an employee handbook, the document should address…
Cell Phone Policies by Elite
When your employees come to work in the morning, you’re entitled to expect them to be “thinking” about their job as well as doing it. The “thinking” part includes considering a customer’s concerns, performing a proper diagnosis, and concentrating on what they’re doing with each service or repair. If they’re distracted by other people, or taking a call on their cell phone, then not only do you not get what you’re entitled to (which is their full concentration on the job), but it may very well lead to a serious accident…