Welcome to another Eastwood video series. In this series me are going to show how we located many of the minor lows, a method to repair them and how we used the existing coatings to block sand.
That is a question I am often asked….Do I need to apply primer surfacer to the whole car. The answer is no. If the existing paint is in good condition, then you can use that like a primer surfacer. There should be 4 to 6 mils from the factory, so why not block sand the coatings to level and locate lows?
However, if you featheredge, apply body filler or glaze putty, then I would recommend applying primer surfacer to those areas to fill in the scratched and provide additional mils to block sand,
The paint will also act like a guide coat. Any lows will remain glossy. So if you see a glossy spot after blocking, you will need to repair the area or apply glaze putty. On the Mustang we were working on, several of the low areas blocked out without needing to apply primer surfacer. Other area we used a dolly to push the low out from the backside. If the area was still low, we applied glaze putty and blocked the area.
For all the details and to see exactly what we’re talking about watch the video.