This post has nothing to do with collision repair, but it sounds like some good advice to follow.
This is the first year since I have been teaching at Butler that I am seeing some friction between students. When I taught in Texas, dealing with friction in the classroom, gang issues, fights, and disipline was a daily thing. I am thankful that we have a friendly enviornment at Butler. However, I believe that even the smallest traces of friction should be eliminated from the friendly Butler learning environment. This is how we will excel with our learning and become the Champions in the collsion industry.
Here are a few word to the lyrics to the song “If Everyone Cared”.
“If everyone cared and nobody cried, If everyone loved and nobody lied, If everyone shared and swallowed their pride.” I know we do not live in a perfect world, but I think everyone including myself could work on improving in these areas, we’d all be better off.