Vision High-Tech Training and Expo is one of the top automotive training events held every year in Overland Park, Kansas. Sheri Hamilton has always done an outstanding job of putting the training event and expo together each year for people from all over the country to attend automotive related training.
Here is a quick video of Pete Meier interviewing PowerBlock TV host, Courtney Hansen last month at Vision 2012.
I mentioned to Sheri that I was jealous that she held one of the top training events each year, but did not include collision repair training this year. However, this is not from a lack of trying. Sheri has incorporated collision repair training in the past, but found it hard to get collision repair technicians to attend. I attended a few years ago when collision repair was included and the training was great, but there were not enough participation from the collision repair industry to justify continuing collision repair training.
I can’t understand why more collision repair technicians would not be interested in this event. Perhaps March is a busy time for body shops….storms, hail damage, etc. I think it would be great if Vision includes collision repair training at future Vision training events.
Anyway, kudos to Sheri for the hard work and awesome job she does putting together one of the best automotive training events each year.
To learn more about upcoming Vision training and expo held each March, visit Vision High-Tech Training and Expo.
What is your favorite training event?