What Is Your Return On Advertising? How much money does your shop spend per month advertising trying to spread the collision repair news about your business? Are you getting the exposure and return that you deserve? I am not saying advertising is bad, but there are ways to promote your business with a little effort […]
Audatex Examines the Impact of Lightweight Carbon Fiber on Next-Generation Vehicle Construction — SAN DIEGO, July 29 /PRNewswire/ —
As demand for increased fuel efficiency requires advances in the use of lightweight materials in vehicle design, carbon fiber is emerging as a viable alternative to traditional materials. The article describes the growing importance of ensuring that both appraisers and collision repair professionals have the proper estimating tools in place to identify those vehicles for […]
Flow Stream Map Auto Collision Repair – Collision Hub Interviews Sterling Autobody
This is interesting, Kristen Felder from Collision Hub interviews Sterling Autobody about mapping the flow process of repairing cars. I did not have anything like this in place when I worked in collision repair shops, but I do see the value. Knowing how much time each step should take would eliminate many problems from surfacing […]
Featured Collision Repair Business in El Dorado, KS – Elite Auto Body
This week’s I Saw It On Google Auto Body Business. We’ve changed gears a little this week and decided to feature the grand opening of a new auto body repair business. Rather than a video this week, we decided to interview Patrick Sampoll (owner) and post a few of the notes. I asked Patrick what […]
Recycled rides aim to help more families – FOX16.com Little Rock, AR
I stumbled onto this article and I had to pass it along. With all of the negative news in the media, it’s refreshing to hear news about people helping people. The Recycled Rides program helps provide people with a car than would not have been able to own a car any other way. Jody Gatchell […]