Butler’s football team receives the highest honor possible, which is the 2008 National Championship. We’re the first community college in the United States to win national championship back-to-back two times. Check out the video to hear more about this awesome accomplishment.
Follow-up on the Ted Powe Scholarship Skate
The skating event went well. My wife and I even skated. The best news is that we did not even brake any bones. Although, we did fall a time or two. My boys already want to know when we can go skate again.
A Man in a Hunting Cap
The first week back to school was a busy, but a productive week. The first year students spent the week learning how to prepare an automotive damage repair estimates so they can start writing the auto repair estimates for the facility and students needing estimates. The second year students were busy learning how to mix, tint and blend paint. I can’t believe that we’re already in the second semester. If this semester goes by as fast as the first one, then summer is right around the corner. Well, here is a quick video about what is going on in the program and about a man in a hunting cap.
Collision Repair Tip
To help from having a hard clear coat edge, remove the line edge tape when the clear is still wet. This will allow the clear coat level, which will leave a softer edge.
BCC Student – Patrick Sampoll
You were given two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; heads you win, tails, you lose. Think about it…
~Author Unknown
Butler Community College’s engineering program is one of only five programs accredited by ABET (Accrediting Board for Engineering Technology) in the nation.
1. If an estimate shows that it will take 2.1 hours to replace a fender, 2.3 hours to paint the outside, 0.5 hours to edge it, and add for clear coat; how many hours and minutes will the technician flag?
2. Who is the man in the hunting cap? If you know the answer to either of these questions, please let us know in the comments.
Hands-On Training + Work Experience = Superior Results
Some students are off playing and having fun when not in class, but several of the collision repair students are getting work experience in their spare time. These students are spending four hours per day, four days per week in the collision repair program. In addition to collision repair classes, they are taking general education classes to obtain an associates degree. When they are not busy with classes they are working in the collision repair industry.
Today, I am interviewing Patrick Sampoll, a collision repair student, to get his views on his school and work experience. Patrick is a first year student and is currently work part-time for X-treme Motor Sport Inc. in El Dorado, Kansas. Patrick connected with Brian (owner) when we took a field trip to X-treme’s facility. Patrick went and spoke with Brian after the field trip and was able to attain a part-time job. We appreciate Brian, and other body shop managers for taking our students in and helping them achieve superior results at a faster rate.
Donnie – Tell us how you became interested in collision repair.
Patrick – I have always wanted to work on cars. While in high school I decided to take the Auto Tech program offered by Butler. I really enjoyed what I learned, but I still wanted more, so I decided to enroll in the collision repair program.
Donnie – Now that you’ve taken some of the collision repair classes and you’re working for a body shop, what captures your interest the most?
Patrick – I interested to start learning more about refinishing. I want to become a paint technician.
Donnie – Why did you choose Butler Community College to get your training?
Patrick – I thought about another program, but I felt that Butler had a stronger program. I also like the one-on-one training offered at Butler. They have a less student-per-instructor ratio.
Donnie – What do you feel the collision repair career pathway has to offer you?
Patrick – I think that it is open to a wide variety of opportunities. Everyone knows that this training will prepare you to become a collision or refinish technician, but you can also move towards estimating, insurance appraisal or shop management.
Donnie – What advice would you give someone that may be interested in pursuing collision repair as a career?
Patrick – Take a tour of some schools offering collision repair. Visit some body shops and ask question. This should give you a good idea if this work is a fit for you or not.
Patrick – It has been a great experience. We recently replace a cab clip, which taught me a lot. I am able to take the skills that I’ve learned in school and apply them at work.
While some students may be goofing off in their spare time, you will probably find Patrick in class or work achieving superior results, to offer the collision repair industry.
Collision Repair Tip
On a large repair, use a cheese grater file to level the body filler. You only have a 10 to 20 minute window to use this technique. If filed too soon the filler will smear or peel off. If you wait too long, the filler will become fully hardened making it difficult to file. However, if done properly, this will save a lot of sanding time.
“Never give up.”
~Louis Chevrolet
W.C. Durant in Detroit, Michigan started the company Chevrolet. The cars produced were first brought out by racecar driver, Louis Chevrolet. In 1917 General Motors acquired Chevrolet.
What is the difference between primer surfacer and primer sealer? If you know, leave us a comment with the answer.
Everything is Bigger in Texas