Driving is the single most dangerous thing we do on a daily basis. When researching what to look for in your next car, safety will be in the top 5 things, but I doubt for many it will be the first thing.
There are two main reasons that we don’t class car safety our top priority.
- we are more concerned that we get a car that’s “cute” or that is “cool”
- researching car safety is tiresome and can be misleading
Within this article I will go through the most important features to look for in your new car and factors that can make driving safer.
When buying a car, you should check to see whether your potential buy has anti-lock breaks (ABS). These breaks have been classed as the safest and when it comes to those times we all have when we HAVE to stop, you can see why it is so important. These breaks shorten breaking time and distance. They also help prevent your breaks locking, which can lead to skids.
The second thing to look out for when buying a car is to see whether it has any mis-aligned body gaps, dents or repair work. This sounds obvious and it is something we do usually spot when buying a second hand car, but the reason it’s so important is because some cars have been involved in crashes that have weaken the overall structure of the vehicle. If you are ever unsure, it is wise to have a mechanic give your potential car a quick once over.
When you have your car, take care of it. One of the main causes of accidents is worn tires. When a tire is worn, it cannot grip the road – just like your shoes when the tread is worn – this can be dangerous when having to stop quickly or driving in wet or icy conditions.
Keeping tires inflated at the correct level is also vitally important to the well being of your car. This simple and quick maintenance tip will not only keep your tires in tip top shape, meaning you can stop quickly when needed, it will also save you cash! Having your tires inflated correctly means that your car doesn’t have to work so hard and your fuel usage will decrease.
Checking all of the lights on your car sounds like an obvious car safety tip, but in reality it isn’t often we check our break lights and back indicators. However, if thee lights fail to work it could mean that you cause an accident.
Another tip that can save you big time is to check the history of the vehicle AutoCheck so you will know the history of the vehicle before investing your money into a used car.
Whether looking to buy a second hand car or just checking your own car has a clear bill of health, looking after our cars means that we look after ourselves.