We’ve been keeping you updated with the Tomorrow’s Technician/Chicago Pneumatic School of the Year award. Here is a YouTube video with Butler’s bid to be the award winner. We’ll keep you updated on the progress, so check back often.
Auto Damage Estimate – Part Two
Donnie-Smith.com This video is three of five student led lessons over auto damage estimating. This video covers estimator career pathway information, computerized estimates, and supplements. These presentations are entirely student led. They performed the research as teams in order to produce the five lessons. We discussed the presentations as a class and decided to highlight the key topics of each lesson to produce the two videos.
Veterans Day in El Dorado, KS 2008
Donnie-Smith.com Pictures of parade
Repair or Replace
Donnie-Smith.com BCC students working in the collision repair program.
RC CARS – School is out, but fun continues…Check This RC CAR Out!
bit.ly RC Cars – We don’t teach rc car repair, but everyone needs to have a little fun. BCC is out for winter break, but Devin brinks his new toy to show me.