Richard and Rigo Checking Out A New Paint Booth and Paint Gun Cleaner at NACE 2010
Two collision repair students, Richard and Rigo, and the collision repair instructor attended the NACE training and expo. in Las Vegas, Nevada this year. NACE is a combination of different collision repair industry training events and a show room floor full exhibitors displaying all of the new and cool tools, parts and equipment. This year NACE included OEM auto makers and different scan tool companies to the expo., which was a first for NACE.
The students commented that the training was awesome and they discovered that Las Vegas is expensive, but good place to visit.
Las Vegas Lights From Top of Mandalay Bay
More Exciting News At Butler
While at NACE I also learned that Butler is back on track of becoming waterborne this year. Steve Johnson, PPG Rep, called and said the paint has been ordered and should be here in a few weeks. We’re excited about that and we will keep you posted on the progress.