I allowed the students to pick the color this year and they picked black. I did not know if I liked their selection at first, but I remembered that Chip Foose’s team wears black on Overhaulin’. I decided if it works for Foose, it works for me. I was actually surprised how good the shirts look once the students put them on. So hats of to the students, they made an excellent choice.
Austin Preparing To Weld A Section Panel to a Quarter
This week the 2nd year worked on Jenni’s Cavalier. We will write another blog about this project, but we are making progress on it. Devin is working on a T-Bucket for the college. You will hear more about this project in another blog as well.
Jenni’s Cavalier in Progress
Devin Block Sanding T-Bucket
A few of the 1st year students have passed their butt, lap, and plug welds in the flat, veridical and overhead positions. This is not an easy task. The welds have to be pulled up to 2500 psi then bent or pulled completely apart, depending on the weld type, to measure the quality of the weld. However, after they pass their test I encourage them to continue to practice welding, as repetition is the key to perfecting a weld.
Tested Welds
Check back soon as Jenni is in the process of writing a blog about a field trip we took Friday.