EliteAutoBodyKS.com – For all your auto body collision repair and paint needs, stop by and visit Patrick Sampoll at Elite Auto Body in El Dorado, KS eliteautobodyks.com Elite Auto Body – El Dorado, KS – 316-323-4013
Elite Auto Body – El Dorado, KS – 316-323-4013
EliteAutoBodyKS.com – For all your auto body collision repair and paint needs, stop by and visit Patrick Sampoll at Elite
DIY How To Paint Stripes on a Car – 2 Two Tone Custom Paint Job
CollisionBlast.com – Hello Donnie Smith here, in this ARBN How2 Tip I’m going to show you how to two custom paint stripes on the car. This is basically just a two tone paint job with a stripe in the middle. However, the same methods can be used when painting bigger
How To Wet Sand By Hand To Paint A Car
CollisionBlast.com – Click the link to learn how to hand clean a spray paint gun without a gun washer and only using 2 oz of clean-up thinner. visit http to learn how. In this video I am demonstrating how to final sand a car using a hand sanding technique. This
Auto Custom Paint Training (flames, candy, flat, airbrushing)
CollisionBlast.com – Airbrush artist Krys Geltz and Collision Repair instructor Donnie Smith team together to bring you the best of automotive customized paint training. To be the first to know about the release of these videos sign up at www.TeachMeHow.info