SEMA 2011 I had a great time at SEMA this year and I have a lot of news, tips and how-to’s to share with you. However, I have been playing catch-up since I have been back so it is going to take me awhile to create all of the videos for you.I do have a lot ready for you now, so let’s get started. Check out the videos below.
In this video you will meet some of the people I met and places I visited at SEMA 2011 in Las Vegas. You will also learn about a few of the people and products that I will be blogging about or making new videos. I have a lot more to share with you about SEMA as I find time. Be looking for more videos over the next month or two as I will be writing, interviewing people, researching products, and creating posts or videos.READ MORE
Do you only have a few minute of of your busy work schedule. Here is auto body and paint quick tips in 5 minutes or less for people on the run. READMORE.