In this video, Krys Geltz at Butler Community College demonstrates how to airbrush realistic style ghost flames. Krys layering the flames with a translucent white. This is white mixed with clear base to produce the desired opacity to create the ghost effect. Each layer of flames offset each other, which gives it the realistic effect.
This demonstration was performed using stencils. With practice, you should be able to airbrush realistic flames as well. Check back, as we will post other and advanced airbrushing videos.
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Learn How To Airbrush with lessons from masters whose livelihood depended on their airbrush skills.
Start Using Your Airbrush Today!
“Learning How to Airbrush?”
13 Step-by-Step Airbrush Lessons Guaranteed to Improve Your Skill
Are you an aspiring airbrush artist? If you’ve spent any time working with an airbrush I’m sure you’re familiar how difficult it is to master, not to mention the expense… Don’t learn from trial and error. Save yourself time and money by learning proven techniques correctly to propel your skills to the next level.
Take 5 Years Off Your Learning Curve!
Too many people buy expensive airbrush equipment with all the best intentions of using it, then get frustrated with the lack of information for beginners and put all that expensive stuff in the closet to gather dust. Most books and information available on the market today assume that you are either already an established airbrush artist or only gives you the most basic information about how to set up your new equipment.
Classic Airbrush Techniques starts from the beginning and goes all the way to professional techniques, laying out detailed airbrush lessons that guide through exactly what you need to do to get to the next level.
We have obtained the rights to resell these classic airbrush lessons once again to the public, after being “lost” for decades. Written by professional airbrush artists of the 1950s who used the airbrush to produce professional work the way many people use computer graphics programs today.
You get 13 lessons packed with valuable information that will reduce your learning curve by years.
You will receive specific instructions and printable line drawings to complete paintings such as these…
Lesson 2 – Shading 3-D Objects
Lesson 4 – Light Source
Lesson 6 – Flat and Curved Surfaces
Lesson 7 – Machine Nut
Lesson 11 – Skin Tones
Lesson 12 – Combining Effects
You will learn all the classic airbrush information that is just as relevant today.
- Control your airbrush
- Rendering 3 dimensional objects
- Control of tones
- Lighting Effects
- Greater confidence in ability to control the airbrush
- Chrome effects
- Commercial Illustration
- Production Illustration
- Architectural Illustration
And best of all, these guys did it before there was the huge commercial market for hobbyists, so you will learn how to do things “the old fashioned way” saving a ton of money on new gimmicky products.