If you have to do something two or more times, your shop is losing money. The rush job that had to be re-painted, writing supplements for hidden damage, or even having to order a $2.00 clip. We may get paid for the additional part, but your body shop takes a hit every time something like […]
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Eastwood Part 2 – Mustang Tear Down
In the last Eastwood video we cleaned the Mustang and got it ready to start working on. In this video, we are going to start tear down. This is the process of removing all of the parts needed to make the repairs. As mentioned in the video, it’s best to take everything off before you […]
5 Tips To Keep You Safe If Traveling This Thanksgiving
The Smith System 5 Tips To Keep You Safe If Traveling This Thanksgiving www.smith-system.com Print Aim High […]
Get Inspired At What You Do Best
As a collision repair instructor, I’ve noticed there are 3 basic types of students. However, these 3 types are not just collision repair students, but everyone fits into one of these 3 categories. Which one do you fit in? Watch this video of a small girl playing football, then we’ll discuss the 3 types of […]
Curtain Walls For A Spray Prep Booth
Facebook Question: I want to set up my garage with those nice hanging plastic curtains I saw u had hangin at the shop you were using in one of your videos. Can u tell me where I might find those? I want to be able to sand in my garage and just pull the cutain around […]