Are you treating your women customers the way that you should? If not, you are probably missing out on a lot the the business that women produce for the automotive industry. Jody DeVere shares advice to help make loyal woman customers. Actually, after reading the 10 tips, I think that you will agree, this is […]
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3M Launches Virtual Classroom for Auto Body Training « Georgia Collision Industry Association
I believe that there are a lot of new methods for training heading our way. It is now possible to get high quality training from your business location without traveling or even leaving your business or training facility. I am excited to see what all happens and how this will all fit together to provide […]
Ford: Aftermarket bumpers used in repairs often inferior –
Ford Motors Company expressed their concerns about the use of imitation parts. Some of the parts that FORD manufactures out of steel or magnesium are being made out of plastic from aftermarket makers. These are parts that contribute to the structural integrity of the car. Ford also expressed concernes for aftermarket parts that airbag sensors […]
I-CAR Announces the I-CAR Professional Development Program to the Inter-Industry | Business Wire
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How to clean and maintain a gravity feed spray gun
How to clean maintain and operate a gravity feed spray gun