I have been looking to build a dream garage. Actually, we’re going to be looking for a new house soon and a garage is something I want it to have. Recently, I bought a portable garage to store tools and car parts, which we’ll take with us when we move. On this page I am posting photos and resources of my dream garage.
I want to have a garage that is organized. The more organized everything stays will result in less time looking for tools and other things. I saw this system and thought this would work great. This set-up has bike hangers that we will not need. We are going to use the portable garage for bikes, but we have plenty of other things to take it’s place.
There are a lot of different cominations of cabinets, shelving, and hangers to consider. This system basically uses the wall paneling to hang them from. So the attachments could be reorganized with little effort if I need to.
To learn more about this specific system click here.
That is it for now, but I will be posting more updates about a dream garage on this page later, so check back. I’m also going to research floor coatings to apply on the floor. Just dreaming now, but will be a reality some day!
11/25/12 – Update
Does this look familiar? I think this is just too much stuff. I’m not sure if any type of garage system could get all of this organized. But notice, there is still room in the garage for the car. That is better than some garages that I’ve seen. I’ve seen garages that did not even have room to put the car!
Anyway, we’re still looking for a new home that has the garage I want and the house my wife wants. We have not really found anything in our price range yet. We’ve see some awesome homes, but too expensive for us.
I took this photo at my mom’s house while visiting her in Fort Worth, Texas for Thanksgiving. I took it as a reminder to me of what I don’t want our garage space to look like. One of the Flow Wall systems would definitely help organize this garage, but I think it needs more than that. Either less stuff or more garage space.
I’ll keep you posted as we continue to look for our new house.
2/17/2013 Update
We searched, we found, and we bought a new home. We will not close until 3/8/2113, but it is in the process. This house has a 3 garage. However, it is not all finished out, so we will have some insulating and sheet rocking to do, but finally a garage. As soon as we get moved in, I’ll post a few pics so you can see the progress we make.
3/14/2013 Update
Well, we did not close in the 8th, we ran into a little snag, but we closed today and now it’s ours. Now the joy of moving! Moving is not fun, but we’re excited to move into the new home.
Now I can also start setting up the new garage to shoot more how to videos. Not going to be able to do much at first, as we now have a higher house payment, but slowly we’re going to transform this garage into an ideal garage and studio for shooting Youtube videos. I shot a quick shot video of what it looks like now. I need your help to suggest what you think would be a cool garage and for making videos. Yes, it’s going to be organized, because we will still need to actually use it for a garage for my wife to park and a spot for the Mustang among other things. Watch the video and let me know what you think.
3/23/13 Garage Update – Latex Primer
After the last video, I received a lot of useful comments for YouTube viewers. One thing mentioned was to finish sheet rocking and to paint the walls white. So I went to ACE hardware and bought a little primer to prime the walls. I am just priming a small part of the videos where I will be shooting the videos. Here is a quick video with the process.
4/1/13 Garage Update – Latex Paint
I ran out of latex primer, so I decided to go ahead and paint what I had primed. I bought a gallon of semi-gloss paint from Ace, so this should be enough to do several walls.
I am an automotive painter, not a house painter. So if you have any suggestions for me during this garage makerover, then please feel free to let me know.
One thing the directions said to do when painting I thought I would mention is to paint in v or x direction. This will provide better coverage. So there is my quick tip to pass on.
4/28/13 Garage Update
We’ve slowly been working on the garage. We now even put the Mustang in. I really wish it was a little bigger, but I think that was mentioned by one of the YouTube viewers in the first video. Seriously, if you have a 3 car garage, you should be able to put 3 car and be able to open door and walk around…why do builder try to make garages like parking space in a parking lot? Is this a push for everyone to drive small compact cars? Just venting, but a little more room would be nice. Check out the quick update on the garage below.