Can you believe it….another school year coming to a end. I guess my parents were right, the older you get the faster time goes. Although, staying busy makes time go by fast too and we have been extremely busy in the collision repair program. In fact, it is almost to the point that I wish we had more time to complete all of the class projects, but I must admit, it is going to be nice to catch a breath and relax during the summer break.
Instructors Need Breaks Too!
I also commend all of the instructors for caring and pushing students to do their best. I can see the passion that other instructors have to help students achieve success and that is what motivates me to do my best. We all know it’s not the money that drive instructors, it’s the purpose and drive to help others. I know that it can be discouraging when our time appears to be wasted with students that will not accept the skills, work ethics, and drive that we try to transfer to them. I know that education supports, “everyone can learn” theory and I agree, except one small detail they don’t mention….if they want to! They have to want it! You must also keep in mind the “you can lead a mule to water,but you can’t make him drink” theory too. So try your best to reach all students and help them achieve their goals, but don’t let the few students that only apply minimal effort to skate by get to you. Focus on the students that you have made a positive impact. We’re just a small part of their life journey, but the decision they make later in life may be influenced by you. And who knows, some of the students that left unchanged; perhaps the light will click on in their head and your words and actions will repeat in their mind to help make a difference in their life as well. So keep up the stellar work and let’s get ready for the much deserved summer break.
Getting Enrolled
Are you interested in a collision repair career? If you are, don’t procrastinate, as you may be putting life on hold another year if you don’t act now. The enrollment at my college is open and the program is filling fast. We only accept 15 students per year. So if you are interested, you better check with the college or technical school that you plan on attending and ask if their enrollment is open and how to get enrolled. Many of these programs will be completely full before school is out this year. Just a heads up, do it now or you may be planning what else that you can do for the next year.
Thanks for this info. Can you let me know which are the other schools offering this course??
Hi John, yes you can visit http://www.collisionblast.com/author/school-search/ for more schools that offer collision repair and are NATEF accredited. Thanks!