This is a video of Conway High School’s Auto Body program. I did not verify if they are a NATEF accredited school, but they do help students explore the career opportunities in the collision repair industry. This is a great opportunity for students to explore and determine what this career offers. I commend this program, as the collision repair industry needs more exposure. More programs need to speak up and let the educational system know what we do and how it leads to successful careers. We all know that every student is not a fit for a four year university degree, so we need to do a better job of helping these students find a career that they can be successful in. We need to convey that there are successful technical careers, such as welding, auto tech, and collision repair for them to pursue. The idea that every student is going to pursue a university is unrealistic. Technical education impacts the society we live in as much as academic education. So let’s hear a big KUDOS for programs like this that help educate people what we are about.’s give them a big shout out by liking and sharing with others. Support technical education by tweeting or posting this on your Facebook!
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