There are no absolutes when it comes to auto accidents. Although there are some predicted actions that a driver usually makes during an accident. If you are traveling down the road and you see a car coming towards you, what are you going to do? Chances are that you will hit your brakes and/or turn away from the oncoming car or object. That is what most peoples natural response is without thinking about it. If we consider that first action is hitting the brakes, it can help us determine what damage may be present. As you slam on the brakes you transfer the momentum of your car to the front as it goes down. While the front goes down the rear raises higher. When the impact happens it is a safe to assume that the damage will be higher than if the brakes were not applied, which may cause more damage to transfer through the upper part of the vehicle and cause sag damage to the vehicle. However, many people have another response as well. You are normally going to turn your wheel away from the oncoming vehicle. As you do that, your car is now at an angle with the front end down and the rear high when the impact occurs. Now it is safe to assume that the vehicle may have side sway damage as well. If you keep this sequence of reactions in mind as you begin inspecting the vehicle with the 5 zones as mentioned in the previous blog, you will begin to have even a clear idea of what damage may be present and what to look for. This will help you generate a more thorough auto repair estimate.
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Never thought like this while driving, I would try to analyze more to understand this concept more clearly. Would read your previous posts to make my understanding better.
Road accidents are oftentimes inevitable, but possibly preventable. There are many factors that can cause these accidents- ranging from engine breakdown to human error. It is also pretty hard to evade an incoming. So to decrease the probability on being involved in an accident, it is advantageous to get your car checked regularly with the nearest auto repair (Indianapolis). In preventing accidents, it also is wise to stay calm to be able to make a good driving decision when faced with a speeding car.
Most people can't think straight especially when their car gets wrecked by another speeding vehicle, it would be better to learn how to react when the worst comes to worst. It made me remember the first time my car got smashed by an out of control vehicle, if I floored the break at that moment, my car would have suffered severe collision damage. Luckily, I turned right so the injury was just minimal. After that incident, the owner of the other vehicle offered compensation due to the accident and led me to an auto repair in Indianapolis which was close to my home.
With the reasonable service offered, my car looks like new and the traces of collision is now gone, all thanks to the auto service (Indianapolis based repair shop).