Do The Right Thing – Is There Any Such Thing..?

I watched a video by Liberty Mutual. It’s about doing the right thing. It states that doing the right thing is our responsibility as people, but Liberty Mutual is going the extra mile by doing the right thing. However, the bailout that I heard about AIG Insurance was discouraging and made me question if there is any such thing as corporate giants doing the right thing.

According to Fox, AIG received 30 billion in bailout money and then paid 400 of their employees a bonus. Eleven of them received three million dollars each. Is that doing the right thing? I know this hits a sensitive spot with Americans because they used bailout money to support the bonuses. However, I wonder how much of this has been going on in the past. It aggravates me the way some insurance companies nickel and dime collision shops over small items. They expect the customers and shops to use after market parts, they look for judgment time to cut, refuse to pay for non-included operations, and try to steer customers to their DRP shops. Meanwhile, executives are receiving millions in bonuses. Now, is that doing the right thing?

I don’t know if all insurances companies are guilty of these type of activities, but AIG has opened my eyes to the possibility. I have not had problems with Liberty Mutual. In fact, I use them for my home and auto. They haven’t received any bailout money that I’m aware of. I hope that they do reflect what their video conveys. If I’m involved in an accident or turn in a home claim, I will expect them to do the right thing.

Below is Liberty Mutual’s do the right thing video. It’s a great video.

Below is Fox’s AIG video – I don’t know about you, but I’m sticking with Liberty Mutual.

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  1. Insurance companies nickel and dime everybody and everything…apparently it s how they save money to pay their executives big salaries and bonuses and when they fail, they ask the tax payer to pay their bonuses so they can indulge in luxury… But then again…nobody, promised us the working men and women a rose garden..or did they?

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