The first week back to school was a busy, but a productive week. The first year students spent the week learning how to prepare an automotive damage repair estimates so they can start writing the auto repair estimates for the facility and students needing estimates. The second year students were busy learning how to mix, tint and blend paint. I can’t believe that we’re already in the second semester. If this semester goes by as fast as the first one, then summer is right around the corner. Well, here is a quick video about what is going on in the program and about a man in a hunting cap.
Collision Repair Tip
To help from having a hard clear coat edge, remove the line edge tape when the clear is still wet. This will allow the clear coat level, which will leave a softer edge.
BCC Student – Patrick Sampoll
You were given two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; heads you win, tails, you lose. Think about it…
~Author Unknown
Butler Community College’s engineering program is one of only five programs accredited by ABET (Accrediting Board for Engineering Technology) in the nation.
1. If an estimate shows that it will take 2.1 hours to replace a fender, 2.3 hours to paint the outside, 0.5 hours to edge it, and add for clear coat; how many hours and minutes will the technician flag?
2. Who is the man in the hunting cap? If you know the answer to either of these questions, please let us know in the comments.
The tech will flag 4hours and 54minutes. I think. The man in the Hunting cap is Elvis
Thanks for your comment. Let’s check to see if you have the correct answer. We have 2.1 body labor and 2.3 + .5 = 2.8 Refinish time. Add for clear coat 2.8x.4=1.1
2.1 body labor
2.8 refinish
1.1 clear coat
6.0 Answer
Try again, you’ll get it next time. Donnie